AP High School HMs Leadership Training Cycle 2 November 2024 Instructions, Schedule, List of School Head Teachers Day wise flow Activities Samagra Shiksha, A.P. SIEMAT 6 days Residential Cycle 2 Training on Leadership for School heads from from 04-10-2024 to 09-10-2024
Samagra Shiksha, A.PSIEMATSALT Programme 6 days Regional level Training on Cycle II Leadership for school heads 8 Venues at Regional level from 4.11.2024 to 9.11.2024 - Instructions - Issued Rc.No.SS-15021/29/2024-SAMO-SSA, Dated:29/10/2024
Ref: This office Rc. No.SS-15021/29/2024-SAMO-SSA, dt. 08/10/2024.
In continuation of the reference cited, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the School Leadership training (Learning cycle II) programme to the School Heads to develop skills to empower their school staff to equip children with 21'st century skills is scheduled from 4th november onwards (1st batch from 4th to 9th November, 2024). The program aims to improve capacity building of School Heads across the State.
As part of the training programme, 257 Master Facilitators were trained on Learning cycle II Leadership training by the SIEMAT KEF from 14-10-2024 to 19-10-2024 at Heal Paradise, Agiripalli, Eluru District. Further, in continuation of the training programme, the Regional Level training is scheduled with 6 days duration on residential mode through various batches in 10 venues. District-wise allotment shall be informed. to the AMOs concerned from time to time. The training venue will be continued (unless any changes occurs)till the completion of all the School Heads targeted for learning cycle II (who are trained in learning cycle 1). The details of venues, allotted districts and responsible officers/staff are appended to these proceeding (Annexure-1) subject to modifications/ instructions from time to time.
Further, it is informed that the training is fully residential mode, The participants shall report to the venue before 7.00 am on the first day of training (may report previous day afternoon also) without fail and shall leave after 6.0 pm on the last day of the training.
All the officers/staff involved in the training are requested to follow the instructions/schedule and take every possible measure to conduct the residential training effectively in the interest of the department/govt.
Annexure-1 Instructions:
RJDSE, DEOs APCs, training in-chargers and other officers concerned shall ensure the arrangements for effective conduct of the Learning cycle II school leadership residential training programme at regional level and follow the following guidelines:
- To visit the venue (Residential) and ensure the lodging, boarding and amenities for the allotted strength (Annexure 2) and class rooms @50 with IFP/smart Class Rooms, power projectors, good sound system
- The training in-charges, Master Facilitators (MFs) shall reach the venue before the day of training and stay till the departure of all .
- To ensure the sufficient number of (@1:2) Master Facilitators per each
- To identify and depute School Heads/MEOs (all MEOs, School Heads working in DIETs/ lecturer DIETs are to be covered).
- The participants shall report to the venue before 7.00 am on the first day of training (may report previous day afternoon also) without fail and shall leave after 0 pm on the last day of the training.
- No one shall be permitted to out of the training campus under any circumstances during the training
- No leaves sanctioned during the training programme except long leave (more than one month).
- The officers concerned of district project office shall collect the TA/DA claims from the participants, verify as per rules and furnish to the SIEMAT,SS.
Time | Day wise flow Activities |
5.00 am to 6.00 am | Morning Physical Exercise Activities |
6.00 am to 7.00 am | Fresh up |
7.00 am to 8.00 am | Breakfast |
8.00 am to 12.30 pm | Sessions Tea (15 minutes between 10.30 and 11.00 am ) |
12.30 pm to 1.30 pm | Lunch |
1.30 m to 6.00 pm | Session Tea (15 minutes between 4.00 and 4.30 pm ) |
6.00 pm to 7.00 pm | Free time |
7.00 pm to 9.00 pm | Cultural activities and Dine |
- To depute identified Master Facilitators to the venue one day before to venue
- The school heads shall submit online and offline attendance for 6 days during the training programme
- The school heads should submit pre test, post test and feedback for the 6 days residential training programme as guided by
- Concerned RJD,DEOs shall act as Course coordinator for the 6 days training programme
- The representatives from state office act as course director for the 6 days residential training programme
- The EOs , MEO-1, &MEO-2 of concerned location of regional venue should stay at venue until completion of the training programme
- RJDSE, DEOs and AMOs of concerned location of regional venue should stay at venue until completion of the training programme
- Must ensure that participants details are uploaded on ITSS platform
- To arrange the launching program of 6days’ residential school leadership programme at 8 above venue
- To design the initiation letters for special invitees and video for request to attend the training
- Stationary, banner, accommodation, lunch for all participants to be provided by concerned venue vendors only
- To initiate the special motivational speakers and allot session daily for them in all venues in the areas of Leadership skills of IIM, inclusive education, use of libraries, use of laboratory in the class room, school
Checklist for Training Center and Facilitation
- Physical activity area like park, hall, and place for nature
- Dormitory/Hostel enough for 250 participants at
- Training center with 5 classrooms – Spacious enough as the participants need to do activities and sit in groups during facilitation and
- White Board and Smart TV/IFP/Projector
- Washroom Availability
- Hand wash area
- Sanitizer and Extra masks
- Drinking Water Facility (Earthen Pot)
- Dustbin
- Steel Glass and ask participants to carry their No plastic glasses
- Projector and Speaker – For Facilitation Workshop (Take the content from facilitators or sessions and maintain it on a presentation to said time during Try to download videos beforehand)
- Stationery: -
- Extra pens(one-time)
- Markers
- Duster
- Charts (To be used based on the activities mentioned in the Keep extra stock of charts)
- Sketch Pens
- Notice Board
- Participants Lists on Notice Board
- Later we will do many other activities on notices boards – For eg: Badges, Performance tracker, Guidelines in a classroom.
- It is always interesting to give some name to your classrooms. It could be based on some inspirational personality or rivers or mountains
- Do a small activity with the participants regarding how they want their classroom to look The ideas, actions, and efforts will build a natural connection. Let them take the lead to recreate the classrooms for them.
- Participants should carry their bag packs with the kit in No excuse.
- Attendance List (Maintain registers for record and try to enter the attendance directly on the trackers excel Later, the attendance records will be maintained through app)
- Keep A-4 sheets
- First aid box – with basic medicines. Use leftover medicines from travel workshop here
- Allocate responsibilities to maintain participants for different tasks and keep circulating those responsibilities. The idea is to let them feel it is their classroom, their space, and they must take care of it. Do not let them understand that it is completely on cluster heads and Executives to conduct classes and ensure everything is maintained by Let them take the lead.
Constitution of State Training Observation Committee
- State Observation team is constituted with the following members for the observation of 6 days residential training programme
S.No | Name of the committee members | Designation |
01 | V.N.Masthanaiah, | Director, SIEMAT |
02 | Dr.S.Prasadarao | Lecturer,SIEMAT |
03 | Sri G.Maheswarareddy | Faculty, SIEMAT |
- The observation committee members shall visit all venues and observe the residential trainings and furnish the report directly to SPD in the prescribed
- During the visit, the team should stay at venue from morning to evening and record the key observations.